and passing by incidents, which left some deep impressions upon his mind.
Iqbal proceeded to Europe for higher studies in 1905 and stayed there for three years.Allama Iqbal left Lahore on first September, 1905, by an express train. Next morning he reached Delhi---"the graveyard" of past Muslim glory.His friends received him at railway station, and in their company he visited the tomb of Hazrat Khawaja Nizam-ud-din Olia, and saw the ancient society of Delhi buried in and around the saint"s feet.
"In a voyage the most impressive thing is the scene of the sea. After watching the ocean one is convinced of the infinite power of ALLAH, the Almighty.Besides social and spiritual gains of Haj, a great moral gain is to see the terrible waves and dreadful width of ocean.By watching this a proud man realizes his humility. every saying of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) is marvelous and praiseworthy.
Iqbal took admission in the "Trinty" college, Cambridge. For Bar-at -law, he got himself registered in Lincoln's inn on 6-11-1905. He graduated from Cambridge university and started his research for PH.D under the supervision of professor mac Taggart. His subject of research was development of metaphysics in Persia. During his studies some shadows doubt about current Tassawaf and Pantheism penetrated into Dr. Iqbal's mind and he was very much curious for that.
when did allama iqbal came back from europe
he came back in 1908
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