Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal is the national poet of Pakistan. He was born on 9th November, 1877. This blog is about the life and poetry of Allama Iqbal. This Blog has the poerty of Iqbal in Urdu, Roman Urdu and English translation.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Modern education system /western Education System by Iqbal

  Without education no nation could progress even survive in the world. But modern education produces only money making machines. The moral values are getting eradicated. Social fabric is getting weakened. We are imparting theoretical knowledge based upon education. We have to make the children more aware on socialise. Even the information being given is very much non uniform in all the states. The syllabus of all the states have to
I think that life without education is a waste.

Iqbal discovered the number of weaknesses in the modern education. When 'Allama Iqbal' speaks of "schools"  and students he generally means the western or Westernised educational institutions and their scholars. According to him the present system of education is a curse to the rising generations. He is displeased 'Madrassa' and 'khankah' where neither the zest for life witnessed nor the ardour of love, neither knowledge is forested nor idealism.

I  rose  downhearted  from madrassa  and  khankah where,
Neither  life is promoted nor nor  love  knowledge nor vision.

He frowns equally upon the bankruptcy of the schools and the soullessness of the monasteries.

The scholars of  'Maddrssa'  ignorant and  list less,
The  hermits of 'khanqah' shallow and  unambitious.

Allama Iqbal asserts the modern is an evil because it neglects both the mental and spiritual development of the Young generations.
The intellect of the present day youth is bright and refulgent but its soul is dark. Its spiritual degeneration has been taking place side by side with mental development.
The young men are not young; they are living corpses. They deny their own identity but they are ever willing to repose faith in others. The modern educational system has blunted its soul and rendered it virtually lifeless.                                  


Unknown said...

..................."When 'Allama Iqbal' speaks of "schools" and students he generally means the western or Westernised educational institutions and their scholars."

Madrasa aur khanqah are not "western", ..........

I rose downhearted from madrassa and khankah where,
Neither life is promoted nor nor love knowledge nor vision. -

Unknown said...

I was searching about this issue as you have discussed very clearly and lovely manner that I don’t have to go now any other webpage. affordable research papers

Anonymous said...

I think he was addressing the madrasa too, there is not progression there, something has gone wrong, very wrong

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